Recommended Product of the Day… Pepper is your friend :)

img_20161013_080005122My new favorite saying… “Pepper is your friend!” In a day and age where hidden sodium is NOT your friend and contributing to a host of health problems, pepper is not only your best bud, but it has more health benefits than most people realize.

Black pepper can help prevent some cancers and is twice as potent paired with Turmeric…another one of my favorites. It stimulates digestion. can relieve colds and cough (paired with honey), increases metabolism and activates your brain. That’s just some of it’s benefits. Mmmmmmmm…. I don’t think salt can say that.

So, needless to say, pepper is everywhere in my kitchen and on everything we eat. We are now on very restricted diets and salt just isn’t an option. Even though we have always been big fans of pepper and it’s flavor, we now have an even bigger appreciation for it and all it’s benefits.

My absolute FAVORITE pepper is Olde Thompson Pepper Supreme blend. It is literally the best out there. And please, oh please, ALWAYS freshly grind your pepper. It tastes better and when the peppercorn is broken and ground and all those health benefits come out fresh, and are much more beneficial than the ground pepper sitting in a can for 6 months.

Pepper grinders are very affordable and just look pretty in your kitchen. The peppercorns last a good while as well. So.. what have you got to lose… pepper is your friend… have him over for dinner 🙂 img_20160907_184651My Tomato & Pepper Cashew Brown Rice

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